Reading at Home

How Can Parents Help at Home?

Research shows that children who read for pleasure do better at school than those who don’t. Here are some practical tips for how you can help.

Help your child to remember to take their DEAR time book to school.

Encourage your child to visit the library during break or lunch time to replace their book as soon as they have completed the book quiz.

Help your child to access a wide range of literature: fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, graphic novels, newspapers.

You can join and borrow books for free from your local library.

Practical Ideas:
Chat to your child about the books you have read and not enjoyed as well as books that you have read and loved.

Read the same book at the same time as your son/daughter and chat to them about what they think is going to happen.

Ensure your child sees you reading regularly whether it’s a book, a newspaper or a magazine as it will instil a love of reading for pleasure.

Let your child choose the books they’d like to read. If your child doesn’t like a book, don’t force them to read it. Let them put it down and come back to it after reading something else.

Practice skimming and scanning skills at home. Ask your child to find out a certain piece of information from a website or newspaper.

Help your child to work out what an unfamiliar word means by getting them to read the rest of the sentence and look for clues. Encourage your child to look up what the word means in a dictionary.

Accelerated Reader:
All students have access to the Accelerated Reader Library. The Accelerated Reader programme aids in developing reading and comprehension skills which will ultimately impact immensely across the whole curriculum and benefit students as they progress towards their GCSEs.