To report any safeguarding concerns about a child please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Burr via main reception during school hours.
'Schools have an important role to play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils, by developing approaches tailored to the particular needs of their pupils.’ - Mental Health and Wellbeing Provision in Schools, October 2018.
There is an ever increasing rise in the amount of students who require support with their emotional and mental health. Here at Writhlington School we recognise this, and have access to numerous resources and strategies, internally and externally, to ensure we are knowledgeable and well equipped to help students and families as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The school’s role in supporting and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing can be summarised as:
Creating a safe and calm environment, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school population. Equipping students to be resilient so that they can manage the normal stress of life effectively. Teaching students about mental wellbeing through the PSHE curriculum, tutor programme during school assemblies as well as reinforcing this teaching through school activities such as mental health awareness week.
Recognising potential issues as early and accurately as possible and communicating with pastoral staff who in turn will communicate with parents.
Early Support
Helping students to access early support and interventions.
Access to Specialist Support
Working effectively with external agencies to provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.
Students and parents should contact the Tutor, Pastoral Team or Safeguarding Leads if they have concerns around mental health.
The parent's role in supporting the school's requirements is to ensure that we are informed of any concerns around the mental health of our students so that appropriate support can be put in place quickly. Parents can also use other resources available to them such as the GP or other local mental health services. The Anna Freud website gives numerous useful resources as a first line of support.
“I’m not sure I have the words to adequately express our sincerest gratitude for your support, help, candidness and trust throughout our son’s time at Writhlington.”
Year 11 Parent 2022