Statutory Website Information

1. Contact Details

Writhlington School

Knobsbury Lane




Telephone: 01761 433581

Contact Us


Headteacher: Mr Keith Howard

Enquiries to Headteacher's PA: Mr Nathan Marshall

Chair of Governors: Mr Chris Dando

SENCO: Ms Joanne Newland

Careers Advice: Mrs Emma Sage - Careers Leader; Ros Windsor - Careers Advisor

Reception Opening Hours (term time only):
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4:15pm
Friday: 8:30am - 3:45pm

A compulsory school day runs from 8:50am – 3:25pm, totalling 32 hours and 55 minutes in a regular school week.

2. Vision and Values

Information about the school’s Vision and Values can be found here and are summarised below:

Writhlington's Vision

Writhlington School aims to empower and prepare all of its students for a rapidly developing world by equipping them with a sense of responsibility, respect for themselves and others and a lifelong enthusiasm for learning. Our expectations for high academic standards and our wealth of opportunities for personal development enable all of our students to achieve more than they thought possible.

Writhlington’s Values

Our work is underpinned by five core values: Respect, Resilience, Ambition, Confidence, Kindness and Success

3. Behaviour

Information about the school's Behaviour Policy can be found here

4. Admissions

Information about the school's Admissions Policy can be found here

5. Exam Performance Data

Writhlington’s School Exam Results 2022 can be found here

6. Ofsted

The school’s most recent Ofsted inspection report from October 2023 can be found here

7. Curriculum and Qualifications

Information about subjects available at Key Stage 3 and 4 can be found here

8. Pupil Premium

Details relating to the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24 can be found here

9. Catch-up Funding

Details relating to the Catch-up Funding from 2020/21 can be found here

10. Special Educational Needs

The school’s SEN Policy can be found here

The SEND Information Report for 2022/23 can be found here

The SEND Governors Report for 2021/22 can be found here

The CLA Governors Report for 2021/22 can be found here

Information about services available for young people up to the age of 25 with SEND can be found via the following links: BANES, Somerset, Wiltshire

11. Charging and Remissions Policy

Information about the school’s Charging Policy can be found here

12. Complaints Policy

Information about the school’s Complaints Policy can be found here

13. Whistleblowing Policy

Information about the Trust’s Whistleblowing Policy can be found here

14. Statement on RSE Provision

Information about the Trust’s Relationships and Sex Education policy can be found here

15. Careers Programme

Details relating to the school's Careers Programme can be found here

16. Remote Learning Provision

Information about the school’s Remote Learning Provision can be found here

17. Governance at Writhlington

Information about the school’s Governors can be found here

18. Equalities

The school’s Equalities Objectives, Access Policy Statement and details of how the school complies with the public sector equality duty and can be found here

19. School Policy Documentation

To view the trust's company documentation please click here

Writhlington School policy and procedure documentation can be found alongside MNSP documentation here

20. MNSP Trust Contact Details

Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership

Registered Address:

Norton Hill Primary School

Silver Street

Midsomer Norton


Tel: 01761 205630

Email the Clerk:

Company No: 7365778

21. GDPR

Writhlington School has registered the following details with the ICO:

Data Protection Officer

Name: Mrs C Hobbs


Norton Hill Primary School

Silver Street

Midsomer Norton


Tel: 01761 205630

22. Request for Copies

A paper copy of this website is available on request