To report any safeguarding concerns about a child please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Burr via main reception during school hours.
Like all public sector institutions, the school has a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to have ‘due regard’, when making decisions and developing policies, to the need to:
This is a duty which we not only wish to fulfil to comply with the law, but because it is central to realising our vision for our students to achieve their aspirations and become well-rounded, confident and compassionate individuals who go on to live successful lives and make a positive contribution to society.
These outcomes for students are built on our Writhlington values – respect, resilience, ambition, confidence, kindness, success– all of which align with our equalities work. Every individual in the school is included in this vision and we recognise the need to be proactive in our work with those who belong to a protected group in pursuit of equality of outcome. There are close links between our equalities work and mental health and well-being.
Student leadership is central to young people believing in, and taking ownership of, equalities issues and thus enabling them to make a positive contribution to a more tolerant and respectful school. The school has an active pupil Equalities Council and School Council who shape the school’s work.
To promote the equalities agenda, we undertake a range of activities. These include, but are not exclusive to:
The Government requires schools to support UK democratic values, including individual liberties within the law, equality, mutual tolerance and respect. Writhlington School promotes these values (commonly known ‘British values’) through themes such as citizenship in assemblies, tutor time and PSHE lessons. The values align closely with our school values which are explored through our Character Programme. This programme enables pupils to reflect on their own values (including reference to British values), beliefs and the impact of these. Promoting British values also enables the school to safeguard young people by helping to prevent them being drawn into extremist or violent views. The DSL and Deputy DSLs and all staff are ‘Prevent trained’ proportionate to their role and the school liaises closely with the Local Authority if there are cases of concern about radical or extreme views by pupils or students.
We have signed up to the Bath and North East Somerset Race Equality Charter. More details can be found here.