Careers Opportunities

Opportunities for Access

We actively seek to build partnerships with outside agencies, as a means to broaden our students’ horizons and to provide them with exposure to a range of education and career pathways.

We would encourage providers to contact our Careers Leader to find a suitable event to access students. All events will need a minimum lead time of six weeks.

We run a wide range of careers and options events throughout the year, and we have the capacity to offer ad-hoc events. We would particularly welcome providers’ attendance at year assemblies, where a whole year group is assembled in our school theatre and you can tailor your presentation to specific age-groups. Presentations must be submitted to the Careers Leader 48 hours before the planned event

  • The school can offer a variety of theatre and classroom spaces for use by providers audio -visual equipment is available
  • Providers are welcome to leave copies of their prospectus, or other relevant literature, for distribution
  • Presentations can be uploaded to our year group google classrooms, following events
  • Please note that the School reserves the right to withhold access if not deemed in the best interests of our students

Currently we work with the WIN and have a higher education advisor, ASK and have a support manager, we work closely with youth connect and run the realising talent programme.

Providers wishing to support our careers programme should contact Mrs Sage via our contact form

“During my time at Dc-activ I learnt a lot. It was the first time being in an actual business environment and allowed me to see how a real business operates. It also gave me more confidence in that type of environment for the future.”


Duke of Edinburgh

In addition to work experience, we encourage students to do voluntary work as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.